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Title Match: bamidbar
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CA 034 A
The counting at the beginning of this parsha not only glorifies the spiritual greatness of the desert Jews, but it also passed a death sentence on those above the age of 20 who were influenced to reject the Holy Land by the spies. Rabbi Carmell discusses how the counterpart to spiritual accession is the psychological vulnerability to steep falls, or as he coins it 'the Rejection Syndrome.'
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GA 034
Rabbi Avi Geller's series on the entire five books of Judaism is delivered with lively enthusiasm and humor. Each weekly talk is a whirlwind tour of all the events of that week's Torah portion, plus major commentaries and explanations of fundamental concepts of Judaism.
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KI 034 A
The Bible is full of narratives. But many of them are out of chronological order. Rabbi Kahn probes why God would recount these stories out of their natural sequence, and how his amazing conclusions reveal deeper truths about the body and soul of the blueprint of Torah.
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KY 034 B

The grand formation in which the Jews traveled in the desert, according to their unique flags is interesting - but seems to be only that. What was it so necessary to have the elaborate arrangements they followed? Rabbi Kirzner speaks of a great desire to have a connection to spirituality that is constant and strong. How does appreciating our individuality within the framework of a common direction help us achieve that?

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LA 034 A
Rabbi Lopiansky's yeshivasha discussion on Parsha Bamidbar asks why was it more fitting that Matan Torah be given in the midbar than in a flourishing Eretz Yisrael? And what are the similarities of a kalla preparing to be taken under the chuppah and Hashem's pledge of eternal love?
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MJ 034
Rabbi Eli Mansour draws out lots of action and inspiration from this week's parsha. Hear about the twelve tribes, finding your place in society, the sons of Aaron, and ways to give simple, yet fundamental respect to your parents - which really pays off. His insights are delivered with energy and humor. Be prepared for a captivating session.
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RS 034 A
The 'counting' of Bnei Yisrael shows us the two ways things in the world can reach their completion. Why was the counting done only in the Sinai Desert, and only during the second month? Learn how to ride the ups and downs in life, and how a tzaddik's reaction to them is a clue to what makes him so holy.
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WG 034 B
We count every Jew because every Jew counts. Come join the Jewish people as they begin their journey through the desert. Discover how each tribes unique talents and strengths were manifest, and how their specific mission, and yours as well, makes a vital contribution towards unified world peace.
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WG 034 C
We all want pleasure. How do we pursue it? Rabbi Wagesnberg concurs that enjoyment that comes from negativity is something that must be left behind. But is that enough? The vacuum that lingers afterward can continue to cause harm. How can we find spiritually beneficial delights to allow us the capacity to have the good things in life without sacrificing our goals?
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WG 034 E

Are you thinking of moving? Before settling on a home it would be well advised to listen to this talk and hear what Rabbi Wagensberg suggests you to do before making any final decisions. This will have an impact on you and your family for many generations to come.

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