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KI 034 A
The Bible is full of narratives. But many of them are out of chronological order. Rabbi Kahn probes why God would recount these stories out of their natural sequence, and how his amazing conclusions reveal deeper truths about the body and soul of the blueprint of Torah.
KY 034 B
The grand formation in which the Jews traveled in the desert, according to their unique flags is interesting - but seems to be only that. What was it so necessary to have the elaborate arrangements they followed? Rabbi Kirzner speaks of a great desire to have a connection to spirituality that is constant and strong. How does appreciating our individuality within the framework of a common direction help us achieve that?
MI 042-43 B
The power of the spoken word is progressively losing its strength. Join Rabbi Milstein for an eye-opening talk on how articulation can carry you to great spiritual heights. Comprehending the strength of the tongue may very well impress upon the heart to refrain from slander, swearing, or profanity.
RS 034 A
The 'counting' of Bnei Yisrael shows us the two ways things in the world can reach their completion. Why was the counting done only in the Sinai Desert, and only during the second month? Learn how to ride the ups and downs in life, and how a tzaddik's reaction to them is a clue to what makes him so holy.
WG 034 B
We count every Jew because every Jew counts. Come join the Jewish people as they begin their journey through the desert. Discover how each tribes unique talents and strengths were manifest, and how their specific mission, and yours as well, makes a vital contribution towards unified world peace.
WG 034 E
Are you thinking of moving? Before settling on a home it would be well advised to listen to this talk and hear what Rabbi Wagensberg suggests you to do before making any final decisions. This will have an impact on you and your family for many generations to come.
WG 035 C
Adhering to socially approved behavior is a start for pursuing peace. But the character traits necessary for living in harmony with others carry within them enormous blessings and rewards. Join Rabbi Wagensberg for a wonderful class on reaching out with love, and the capacity to understand the foibles of human failings without getting hung up on them.
WG 043 A
Rabbi Wagensberg begins his journey with the 42 places the Jewish nation rested in the desert. He mixed into this the cities of refuge and the Shema Yisroel prayer. From the multiple factors he presents he shows how to understand, and to work into your bones just how transient and temporal this world really is.
WN 038 A
The story of Korach's rebellion is mystifying. We hear about a nation that saw Hashem talking to Moshe at Har Sinai, and soon afterwards they directly challenged him. And the frightening punishment facing them made no difference. Rav Noach brings out a beautiful point regarding 'arguments and evidence', and how the simple flowering of Aharon staff showed a simpler, softer way to deal with disputes.
WN 041 A
Would Midyan have tried to seduce any other nation with the same malicious venom they directed at Jewish spirituality? "Of course not" says Rav Noach. The world at large has a special dislike for the Jewish worldview which brings in its wake higher consciousness. So he asks "Do we hate ourselves as well, and in the same way?"