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KY 016 A

The Jews leaving Egypt were far from high levels of spirituality. In truth, they were mired in idol worship so deeply it seemed impossible for them to extricate themselves from it. How did the breaking point at Pi Hachirot push them to overcome their education and inner tendencies in a way that caused G-d to give them the ability to conquer their doubts forever?

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WG 016 H
There seems to be two different paths our experience in this world can follow - one that is so painful, and one of blessing and love. Is there a way to fuse the two? Rabbi Wagensberg brings us to the point when dark and light merge and discusses the esoteric underpinnings of that twilight zone.
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WN 016 C

At Kiryas Yam Suf G-d bestowed enormous prophetic vision to His beloved Jewish nation. Soon after Moshe leads them into the hot and dry dessert for three days - without water! They ask Moshe “What should we drink?” Under the circumstances is this how they should have addressed Moshe? Rav Noach explains the nature of and correction for this corrosive attitude.

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WY 016 A
Our faith in God jumped from level to level with each punishing plague, bringing the Land of Egypt to its knees. After such an elevating experience, what extra level could Krias Yam Suf possibly add? Rav Yaakov takes us to a place we deeply yearn for - to feel God’s ever-present love and affection.
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