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KY 006 A
Jacob's masquerade as his brother Esau in order to receive his father Isaac's blessing is quite a strange and convoluted way to achieve that goal. If he deserved those blessings, why couldn't they have been given in a straightforward manner? There is a deep truth regarding the eternity of spiritual potential that does not allow it to be destroyed - only directed wrong. How does understanding this shed light on the confusing story of Jacob and his brother?

WG 006 A
Our beliefs shape our lifestyles. The directions we propel ourselves in, depend upon what we believe in. Would you like to know which beliefs we should commit ourselves to? Would you like to find out which place is the most conducive for believing? Then Rabbi Wagensberg is your man as he shares with us the different dimensions of faith.

WG 006 G
The portrait of Yaakov is the good boy, and Esav is his rowdy brother. In analyzing this parsha we see that each was assigned a specific task for perfecting the world. Hear how Yaakov adjusted to Esavs' relinquishing his vital role, and how he took on the battle of good and evil in the world as a second full time job.

ZY 006
Esav made a number of really bad decisions: among them murder, idolatry, and possibly illicit relations. If so, why does the Torah even bother harping on his rejection of the bechora? Using clues based on Esav's age at the time he made those choices, Rabbi Zweig breaks down the essential difference between acting from impulse or peer pressure, to making judgement calls based on true values. Hear why we are defined by the latter.